My A-Z theme this year is a guide to my trilogy of novels called ‘The State Trilogy’. Set in an unnamed island country known only as ‘The State’, in the imagined near future, the books follow the intertwining stories of a number of characters, principally a State police detective named Danny Samson and an assassin, Gabriella Marino, over a period of six years. It begins with the assassination of an elected official and spirals into revolution and civil war. Part political thriller, action story, war story and dystopian science fiction, the trilogy took three years to complete and the books are available to read now – you can find links to purchase them HERE

In The State Trilogy, ‘U’ stands for:

United States of America: In the trilogy, present day America has become the Civil American States. They are not mentioned in the first book by name, but with the follow up, I broadened the scope of the future world and included more details about the First Strike War between the Civil American States and her allies and the Zhonghua Republic (China) and the Axis Powers. I was writing the trilogy initially at the start of President Trump’s term in office, and finished it as the pandemic struck and in the run up to the election of 2020. Two things shaped my vision of the future America. One was the idea, that came closer and closer to reality as Trump’s term continued and then Biden defeated him, that some States would attempt to secede from the present day United States. It seemed far-fetched to begin with, and hopefully is now once again, but for a short time it did seem a possibility. These seceded States would then form a new group and eventually, perhaps after another civil war, America would come back together in a looser bonding as the Civil American States. The second idea was that America would become involved in a nuclear war, and be the victim of a nuclear attack. With Trump in power and his dealings with Iran and North Korea, amongst others, this again became a frighteningly prescient idea, and again, one that we are hopefully backing away from.

Union of Socialist Soviet States: Like the idea of variations of Britain, America and China included in the novels, I decided that Russia (and Putin) had, in the future, realised its dream of reforming the old Soviet bloc, the USSR, including those countries that had managed to separate away from the Union at the end of the twentieth century. Unlike then though, the USSR is no longer a dominant super power in the world and, while still a major player, is a junior partner in the Axis Powers alliance to the Zhonghua Republic.

Next up – V is for: The Village, Verona and Video

All the entries in the A-Z of ‘The State Trilogy’ can be found HERE

The books are available from a wide selection of online retailers, including AMAZON

21 responses to “THE STATE TRILOGY A-Z GUIDE: U”

  1. […] Next up – U is for: United States of America and Union of Socialist States […]


  2. Hari OM
    …give it time… YAM xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For one or both! 🙂


  3. Both of these realities are a little too close to actual reality especially with Putin and Russia. The US is definitely showing its age. There is still so much that is uneven and unjust about how the 50 states and other territories function. Because of this our Congress is basically like a gridlock with unequal constituencies. I have a cynical theory that people in power like it this way, since it all adds up to lots of power and money with minimum accountability. Unable to pay for infrastructure? Blame the other side!

    I think it is because big business would rather our elected officials NOT work for the people to the extent it would cut into their profits. Call me cynical but look at all the money businesses contribute to campaigns. They aren’t just doing this to be nice.

    It is all very messed up like that. IMO.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to agree. The whole system – not just in the US but globally – seems to always end up by making sure the rich and powerful stay there, and the rest of us, and the poor, remain where we are, subservient and compliant. And that’s just how the big businesses want it to be.


  4. These days war with Russia may be a possibility. These books have many interesting layers to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jazmin, I hope you find that when you come to read them 🙂


  5. Just the thought of nuclear war freezes my brain. We need to become aware of the actual repercussions, much as your thoughts describe. States threatening secession remind me of years ago when my baby sister planned to run away from home: “Mom, will you get my suitcase down from the shelf?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I like the sister analogy!


  6. I could definitely see Russia and China allying against the US, and the thought is more than a little scary.

    My “U” song for the day:

    A2Z 2021 Jethro Tull Songs Day 21 Up to Me (from Aqualung)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Still in scary times, never mind the pandemic!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love my country, the United States of America. I’ve visited all 50 and have lived in 9 of the states and have friends all around the country, but the polarization and culture of contempt running amok right now is very disheartening. I worry about our future.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. From over here in the UK, it does feel like Biden has at least calmed things down a little. I hope it marks the start of some healing.


  8. You had so much real life material to work with for your trilogy. That’s probably not a good thing. Weekends In Maine

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, quite a worrying thing – especially when it ends up being worse than the fiction!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Unfortunately, much of what you are saying could quite easily come about. There is often a fine line between fantasy and reality.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Keith – it did seem close to some States in the US threatening to go their own way for a while there. Fortunately settled down now. As for Russia…


  10. Union of Socialist Soviet State seems too close for comfort.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does seem to be an ambition of Putin’s.


  11. As you say, there was much inspiration from current day politics and power mongering – decidedly worrying times we live in. But I guess almost anything can become normal if we’re all living the same experience. I missed the early Cold War years as I lived in India & Africa, so only learned of it subsequently – mostly through a regular visit to a nuclear bunker, and that gave it a very scary feel. This despite my living through civil unrest & war during the same years, something I accepted as normal, for it was all I knew and all my peers knew.

    A-Zing from Fiction Can Be Fun
    Normally found at Debs Despatches

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting that people from different parts of the world experience history in very different ways. You don’t have to look far for inspiration if you want to write a political thriller at the moment!

      Liked by 1 person

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